Willow Hales Willow Hales


Varying the length, structure, and wording of your sentences and paragraphs keeps your reader’s interest. If variety is the root of gluttony, let it be the “I just couldn’t stop reading!” type of gluttony.

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Read the Classics
Willow Hales Willow Hales

Read the Classics

Sometimes, we’re so focused on new releases, we miss out on amazing books already waiting for us at our local library or bookstore. Good literature does not have an expiry date.

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When Less Is More
Willow Hales Willow Hales

When Less Is More

Often, we “over word” in an attempt to emphasize. We’ve all read, “the room was completely silent” or “he was utterly dead.” But, unless you’re the Dread Pirate Roberts, and only “mostly dead,” dead is dead.

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Writing Aloud
Willow Hales Willow Hales

Writing Aloud

In case you haven’t discovered this, your eyes and your brain team up to trick you when it comes to proofreading and editing.

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Don’t Be Afraid to Walk
Willow Hales Willow Hales

Don’t Be Afraid to Walk

Why do I feel like I’m going to poke my eyes out if I read about one more person “padding” across the floor? What happened to walking? 

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Writing Advice
Willow Hales Willow Hales

Writing Advice

Writing takes courage, so let’s support each other on this journey.

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